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1931   W517   Strip Card Set
Player Checklist
Card # |
HOF Year |
Description | Team/ League |
Known Mini? |
1 | 1970 | Earl Combs (Earle) | Yankees A.L. | -- |
2 | 1948 | Pie Traynor | Pittsburgh N.L. | -- |
3 | 1962 | Eddie Rausch (Roush) | Giants N.L. | -- |
4 | 1936 | Babe Ruth | Yankees A.L. | -- |
5 | ---- | Chalmer Cissell | Chicago A.L. | -- |
6 | ---- | Bill Sherdel | St. Louis N.L. | -- |
7 | ---- | Bill Shore | Athletics A.L. | -- |
8 | ---- | Geo. Earnshaw | Athletics A.L. | -- |
9 | 1975 | Bucky Harris | Detroit A.L. | -- |
10 | 1980 | Charlie Klein | Phillies N.L. | yes (same) |
11 | 1973 | George Kelly | Reds N.L. | yes |
12 | 1982 | Travis Jackson | Giants N.L. | yes* (same) |
13 | ---- | Willie Kamm | Chicago A.L. | yes* (Cleveland A.L.) |
14 | 1952 | Harry Heilman (Heilmann) | Cincinnati N.L | -- |
15 | 1938 | Grover Alexander | Phillies N.L. | -- |
16 | 1947 | Frank Frisch | St. Louis N.L. | -- |
17 | ---- | Jack Quinn | Athletics A.L | -- |
18 | ---- | Cy Williams | Phillies N.L. | -- |
19 | 1968 | Kiki Cuyler | Chicago N.L | -- |
20 | 1936 | Babe Ruth | Yankees A.L. | -- |
21 | 1951 | Jimmie Foxx | Athletics A.L | -- |
22 | ---- | Jimmy Dykes | Athletics A.L. | -- |
23 | 1954 | Bill Terry | Giants N.L. | -- |
24 | 1976 | Freddie Lindstrom | Giants N.L | -- |
25 | ---- | Hughey Critz | Cincinnati N.L | yes* (Giants N.L.) |
26 | ---- | Pete Donahue (Donohue) | Cincinnati N.L | yes* (Boston A.L.) |
27 | 1991 | Tony Lazzeri | Yankees A.L. | -- |
28 | 1964 | Heine Manush (Heinie) | St. Louis A.L. | -- |
29 | 1971 | Chick Hafey | Cards N.L | -- |
30 | 1951 | Melvin Ott | Giants N.L. | -- |
31 | ---- | Bing Miller | Giants N.L. | yes (Philadelphia A.L.) |
32 | ---- | Geo. Haas | Athletics A.L.- | -- |
33 | ---- | Lefty O'Doul | Phillies N.L. | yes* (Brooklyn N.L.) |
34 | 1952 | Paul Waner | Pittsburgh N.L. | yes* (same) |
35 | 1939 | Lou Gehrig | Yankees A.L | yes* (same) |
36 | 1955 | Dazzy Vance | Brooklyn N.L. | yes* (same) |
37 | 1947 | Mickey Cochrane | Athletics A.L. | yes* (same) |
38 | 1942 | Rogers Hornsby | Chicago N.L. | -- |
39 | 1947 | Lefty Grove | Athletics A.L. | yes* (same) |
40 | 1953 | Al Simmons | Athletics A.L | -- |
41 | ---- | Rube Walberg | Athletics A.L. | -- |
42 | 1979 | Hack Wilson | Chicago N.L. | -- |
43 | ---- | Art Shires | Chicago A.L. | yes* (Boston N.L.) |
44 | ---- | Sammy Hale | St. Louis A.L. | -- |
45 | 1955 | Ted Lyons | Chicago A.L. | -- |
46 | 1977 | Joe Sewell | Cleveland A.L. | -- |
47 | 1968 | Goose Goslin | Washington A.L | -- |
48 | ---- | Lou Fonseca (Lew) | Cleveland A.L. | -- |
49 | ---- | Bob Muesel (Meusel) | Cincinnati N.L. | -- |
50 | ---- | Lu Blue | St. Louis A.L. | -- |
51 | 1975 | Earl Averill | Cleveland A.L. | -- |
52 | 1939 | Eddy Collins (Eddie) | Athletics A.L. | yes (same) |
53 | ---- | Joe Judge | Washington A.L. | yes* (same) |
54 | 1947 | Mickey Cochrane | Athletics A.L | -- |
* Players also found on 1925-31 PC-back Exhibit four-on-ones. Parentheses indicate the player's new team as printed on the four-on-one Exhibits and/or Mini W517s. |
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