PC798-12 (1911) $$
Baseball Terms Illustrated (Boston Post Series)
Twelve cards; about 3-1/2 x 5-1/2 inches
Set Gallery
Notes from Keetz 1983 Reference:
Signed Alfred James Dewey (Some are supplements to Boston Sunday Post, Series 222)
This attractive set includes twelve numbered cards featuring the artwork of Alfred James Dewey. All cards are printed in full color and feature vignetted romantic scenes in a vertical format.
The set series number "222-x" is printed in the lower left border, where x is the card number within the series. Card captions are found in the lower right.
In addition to the postcard indicia, labeling in small print on the backs follow one of two formats:
(1) On six of the cards, the labeling reads: "Supplement to the Boston Sunday Post, DATE," where DATE is the date that the supplement was issued. Interestingly, the dates and the sequence numbers on the cards do not track. However, the dated supplements were issued in an uninterrupted weekly sequence from Sunday, May 21, 1911 through Sunday, June 25, 1911.
(2) On the remaining six cards, the labeling reads: "Base Ball Series No. 222" (these 6 cards were apparently not used as newspaper supplements).
A copyright notice for "The Frederickson Co., Chicago" is also found on all card backs.
Cards in this set include the following titles: