The earliest individual cards picturing Adrian "Cap" Anson hail from the extensive 1887-90 Old Judge set produced by Goodwin & Company and include both a street clothes and in-uniform versions picturing Anson. Additionally, another Anson card was also produced in 1887 by the Buchner Gold Coin Company but is not as popular due to the use of identical drawings in the set to represent different ballplayers of the era. Another very popular early tobacco card of Anson was produced by the Allen & Ginter Company in 1888 and pictures probably the most iconic image of Anson known to the hobby. Another popular Anson tobacco card which was also issued during 1888 originates from the Goodwin Champions set and contains very bold colors for the era. One more very popular Anson card was produced during the 1888-89 time frame and hails from the Old Judge Cabinets set, an issue well-known to contain many Hall of Famers of the era. |